itzsonzy wrote:
HarryAssMent #Sorry wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
I'm sorry but i just live for the "thats rdm" said in the video...
He could have done something to the player before he was killed.

I'm Uploading the part when i spawned.
Dude, you're recording just shows what happened after you died, i couldn't honestly care less about that.
What i was saying is you could have done something KOS'able to the player before the recording begins, but you are just showing the bit you were killed.
Its kind of like me trying to arrest a guy, i stop trying to arrest him then start recording and call RDM.
My minus still stands.
If you look to the nlr timer i just spawned and it said "Lake district" So these guys were coming from CBD district how could they kill me? in lake district if they were in CBD district already? and they were behind me both of them.
That just doesn't make any sense, i'm not trying to prove you wrong or anything im just saying you should really think before you say anything.