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TOPIC: [SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf

[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358298

Staff Member(s) Name: Mango Wolf

Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19430213
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Falsely warn me, his friends attacked me in ooc, calling me nigga, and saying my life is shit. Aswell as witnessing to people drug bombing to blow up our printers, aka exploiting. Not only that, but he also sees someone build in my base, and he does nothing. He also cloaked himself, FULLY KNOWING he was cloaked, I told him ingame, he stopped up and checked, and laughed in my face and shot me.

What server(s) was this on?: 2


Here is the proof, of me being warned, even tho " Mangos raiding friends " Were calling me nigga, and saying my life is shit. Mango says in ooc " all calm down, especially you jabbe " . Now this triggered me, because Mango just saw Flex say " ur life makes me laugh ". Mango targetted me, and let his friends go. When I asked him what I was being warned for, he didn't show me proof of anything, he warned me and teleported me away.

The reason why I spammed ooc, was because I felt targetted, here is the story. :
Mango and his friends Flex, Kingbammy, N0s0und and Sinister Grin. Were raiding us, they were exploiting drug labs, making them blow up our printers, they did this about 3 times. What made me really mad about this, is the fact that Mango knows the rules, but he did nothing in his power to prevent them from doing this ; So I called him out in ooc, asking him wtf was going on.
The second raid : One of their teammates orbed, and kill themselves, I said in ooc : Your raids make me laugh, this is what Flex had to say about that :
Mango did nothing about this disrespect, that really triggered me. I barely disrespected Flex, and I get warned. How is this fair? I made a demote request on Mango before, almost same sitiuation, it got accepted, yet here he is doing this shit again. Someone never learns.

The third raid, they realised that they were bad, and they were not able to raid us, so AGAIN they drug lab bombed us, 2 times, destroying a lot of our printers, aswell as building in my base. But this time was different, Mango cloaked himself, and shot after us, but his aim was shit, and he missed like 5 bullets while I was standing still ( Dont know how this is possible ) I proceed to explain to him, that he is cloaked, but he does not listen, instead, he laughs directly in my face, and continues to shoot me.
His friends then disrespects me and my gang, in ooc, and IC. Again, mango does nothing. I was told to kill myself, the list going on...
Mango was spotted by my camera, at the beginning of the raid, UNCLOAKED, then at the end of the raid, he is cloaked.
Proof of this :

TLDR ; Mango side up with his friends, ignoring the fact that they're calling me nigger, aswell as talking shit about my life. He then uses his admin powers, to raid some of my friends, causing us to lose over 80Mil.

- Please give your opinion about this, IMO. I do not think this is staff material at all, the fact that I didn't shoot him, but I tried explaining that he cloaked, so we could make the raid fun & fair. He laughed in my face and did not care.
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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Jabbee.
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Mango wolf DEMOTE REQUEST 8 years 7 months ago #358299

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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Helari.
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Mango wolf DEMOTE REQUEST 8 years 7 months ago #358300

Good Proof

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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358301

I will handel this
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EX- TS3 Staff
EX- SSRP Head Admin
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358302

This is ridiculous behavior from a staff member.. I'd love to see him get demoted on the damn spot.
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358303

He didn't abuse when he warned you also the Drug Lab Explosion isn't against the rules and the cloaking problem was because he had to talk to Silent because he kept on NLRing during a raid and he never waited for the time to end and then when Mango returned to raiding he forgot that he was CLOAKED!

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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Officer FLeX.
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358304

Woah i didnt think that mango wolf would do such a thing like this especially cloaking in a raid and killing you?
You have really good proof and im going to :plussp: this
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GG Onion!
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358305

Officer FLeX wrote:
This doesn't prove anything, he cloaked himself while on duty so he can come back to check if someone broke NLR after he died also you and your friend disrespected so much and one of your friends broke NLR x3 and Mass RDMed as well so come on man, this is all wrong and you also was disrespecting the admin in the videos you posted! Put the volume up and you can hear him cussing at Mango!

Watch the video, clearly he just comes in, kills them and destroys everything basically in cloak.
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358307

This doesn't prove anything, he cloaked himself while on duty so he can come back to check if someone broke NLR after he died also you and your friend disrespected so much and one of your friends broke NLR x3 and Mass RDMed as well so come on man, this is all wrong and you also was disrespecting the admin in the videos you posted! Put the volume up and you can hear him cussing at Mango!

You are his friend, but I respect your opinion.
However, I gotta correct you. This thread is not about my friends breaking NLR, if you have proof of this, then you should make your own damn thread. This thread is about Mango abusing.

How is it not proof? There is VIDEO proof of him using cloak, while knowing what he is doing, to raid me.
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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Jabbee.
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358308

Officer FLeX wrote:
This doesn't prove anything, he cloaked himself while on duty so he can come back to check if someone broke NLR after he died also you and your friend disrespected so much and one of your friends broke NLR x3 and Mass RDMed as well so come on man, this is all wrong and you also was disrespecting the admin in the videos you posted! Put the volume up and you can hear him cussing at Mango!


But the thing is the video clearly shows him cloaking and killing Jabbe when he is bringing up console and he wasnt on duty because he was the thief job.
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GG Onion!
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358310

There is my pov too what happend remember to watch it too
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358311

He warned you because you were disrespecting, threatening and also spamming the OCC!


You can see that he spammed the OCC and he also was disrespecting and threatening Mango and the people he was with!

I also have a video coming up to show how they broke NLR after dying!
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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Officer FLeX.
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358312


Baiscally I disagree with having Mango demoted, he's been a good adminstrator his past run, and I haven't seen him abuse, this clearly shows that he cloaked and I can see that, but how do you know he killed, just because he's possibly the only one in that room, doesn't proove that he killed you, over the past 10 minutes when we raided you, you've been so salty, infact super salty, you've been talking too much shit, and massively disrespecting each and everyone of us. by all means I disagree about get Mango demoted, cause like I said he's been a good adminstrator, now you might think I'm just saying this cause I'm his friend... bro I've only known the guy for over 2 hours
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Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by N0S0und.
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358313

Honestly Im deeply sorry, I really didn't know I was cloaked at all. I will talk to head staff about this, also we can talk in game and I can give you an apology and refund you as much as I can. Honestly it was my fault I fucked up, I hit the cloak bind on accident instead of uncloak because I can promise you that I would never do something like this on purpose.
Also I heard nothing you said as your friend was screaming "GET DEMOTED" and things exploding in the background. As for you saying I was laughing at you, no, your friend and you were talking at the same time and the reason i laughed was because i was confused why or what was going on really.

People kept saying this guy was breaking nlr so i cloaked and tped to him.. his NLR timer was on but he was still far from the raid so i tped back and swore i hit the bind to uncloak but apparently i didnt...
I really did mess up though and its completely my fault, i should of made sure my cloak was off. This is for sure unacceptable. Especially during a raid. You lost a lot man and Im sorry it was completely unfair for me to not make absolutely certain my commands were off, I promise you this though, I had no idea i was cloaked.
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(starts at :17)
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358315

this video can obviously proof that mango is abusing his admin power during a raid. He is shooting printers and we all saw that in the video.
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EX-SSRP moderator

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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358316


A camel was here
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358318

that severe , and BS that proof make me get a shock , great proof buddy
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358319

MangoWolf wrote:
Honestly Im deeply sorry, I really didn't know I was cloaked at all. I will talk to head staff about this, also we can talk in game and I can give you an apology and refund you as much as I can. Honestly it was my fault I fucked up, I hit the cloak bind on accident instead of uncloak because I can promise you that I would never do something like this on purpose.
Also I heard nothing you said as your friend was screaming "GET DEMOTED" and things exploding in the background. As for you saying I was laughing at you, no, your friend and you were talking at the same time and the reason i laughed was because i was confused why or what was going on really.

People kept saying this guy was breaking nlr so i cloaked and tped to him.. his NLR timer was on but he was still far from the raid so i tped back and swore i hit the bind to uncloak but apparently i didnt...
I really did mess up though and its completely my fault, i should of made sure my cloak was off. This is for sure unacceptable. Especially during a raid. You lost a lot man and Im sorry it was completely unfair for me to not make absolutely certain my commands were off, I promise you this though, I had no idea i was cloaked.

I find this to be bullshit, simply because of 2 reasons.
1. You can see if you are cloaked, so this should never happen. Its in the middle of the fking screen.
2. I told you, that you were cloaked, you said hold on, and you checked, then you proceeded to kill me. And you did not laught at my friends speaking, you laughed at me.
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358320

Officer FLeX wrote:
This doesn't prove anything, he cloaked himself while on duty so he can come back to check if someone broke NLR after he died also you and your friend disrespected so much and one of your friends broke NLR x3 and Mass RDMed as well so come on man, this is all wrong and you also was disrespecting the admin in the videos you posted! Put the volume up and you can hear him cussing at Mango!


u just say that because your his friend ... everything is in the provided proof
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[SSRP] Demote Request - Mango Wolf 8 years 7 months ago #358326

I was told by holly that EMP said that drug bombing is allowed/ not an exploit!
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