Name - Jordan Johnston
SteamID - STEAM_0:1:34248193
Evidence ^ -
Server - SSRP 1
Time and date - 5- 10 mins agg
Other comments - He muted me then banned me for saying A TEAM is this servers cancer " by that i meant they were killing this server" , Im not trying to tell other admins , mods , head admins , or owners what to do , but of Jordan become Head Admin , he will create more problems than he solves . " thats just my opinion " , and about Jabbe and Mario you can ask alot of people on the server about them , alot of people hate them , they bully , they abuse , they break rules but they always get away with it becouse some admin is by there side !
Reason - Warns and bans you for a stupid reason , but when his friends Jabbe and Mario do it it 100 % A OK.
Story - started of by me reporting and giving video to jordan about mario rmding me , yes in the video i did break nlr , and yes i told him you can warn me for breaking nlr , but its only fair if you warn mario , he said "do not tell me how to do my role" , i said ok sorry im just saying its only fair , and im 99% sure that he waned me for the nlr but did not warn mario for rdm, so when he took me back , i said in OOC chat that A Team is the cancer of this server "by that i meant that A Team are killing the server " and yes it was pointed at Jabbe , he broke so many rules but was not banned , he spammed the bank door and got a verbal warning , he spammed the pd door got another verbal warning , he rdm almost the whole time he is on the server yet he does not get banned , but when me and some random guy started making fun of jabbe and mario i get banned for false reasons which Jordan made up and they were RDM x3 WHICH NEVER FUCKING HAPPEND , trolling ! again when Jabbe and Mario did it NOTHING HAPPEND TO THEM !! , and breaking of nlr !! really ! you already gave me a warning for breaking nlr , how are you gonna warn me , but 10 mins later ban me for it !!, GOD i really hope someone that actually cares about the zarp servers read this ! sorry , i know it was long but thank you for reading.
Proof - of what ? him banning me ? , him warning me but not mario and jabbe ? im sorry but i cant get the logs to show that , so please if you actually care , just check the logs.
and sorry if i used some words that i shouldn't have , but i think you can see why i would be a little mad at this.