As we can see on the beggining of the movie , you unrested 1 person , and i asked you why did you do it , you told me cause was your friend , so you arent role playing , you're friend got arrested and you just go there and unrrest him cause you are a cop and you know him , i dont think thats rp my friend , if you go in jail its cause you deserve , dont unjail people just cause they are your friend , about saying i dont like you and you're friend , im just telling you that cause why not ? why im not allowed to say if i like someone or not , when i was user and you guys were playing around the vault and on districts , everytime i try to rp with you guys , both of you were always rude with me , never knew why cause i never did anything wrong so there was no reason to be rude so thats the reason i never liked you both , since a mod i see a lot of f1 reporting you and you're friends for rule breaking , ask jabbe when someone accused him for rdm im not sure , but they didnt have any proof so i didnt warn him and apolagize for stopping his rp , why dont you post those things ? This just show the fact you both dont like me cause im the one dealing all the F1 that are reporting you guys , as a lot of people sometimes dont like me for punishing them and on the next time they like me cause i punish people that rdm them for example, and i can say im happy for having a lot of admins saying i've been doing a good job as a new mod , so if you any problem , dont play dirty just to demote me from moderator