Jamie. wrote:
Gmod Troller wrote:
Jamie. wrote:
El une Spodermun wrote:
Exrobite wrote:
El une Spodermun wrote:
Pretty sure you can't raid as guard
oh ok, well didn't know
The gangster was outside the base at the time when I walked inside then I got shot by the guard when I didn't even attempt to kill the gangster.
Problem is nothing in the rules stares he has to wait for his boss to be threatened. He can accompany the raid which means he can be apart of it until his boss dies or leaves. He can normally raid as anyone else besides if his boss dies or leaves. Thus making it a reason to kill you If you were at the base.
He wasn't with his boss at the time, his boss was walking around outside the base when the guard was inside it killing.
You never know he could of been raiding still, they don't need to follow each other around the base as long as the boss is alive and raiding he can kill whoever and whatever in the base. If the boss surely wasn't raiding them then the guard can be punished. The boss could of been holster in something or taking guard you need to make sure before taking action (not sure if you checked or not but you should of)