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Name - Infliximab(He changes name everytime)
Steam-ID -STEAM_0:199458595 Evidence of Steam-ID - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID) Server - Zarp DarkRP Time and date (CET) - 1 week ago, couldn't post the video because of my connection. Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?) Reason - Lied to admins,Harrassed me,and RDM Story - He began to harrass me when I called and admin because he demoted me for rulebreaking so he began Harrassing me and RDMMING me, Lied to admins that I attacked him (DEADMONSTR can Witness) and (Cody) talked to him because Inaximbol harrassed me, I have photos and a video,In the video you can find how this started. Proof - Cant add all photos for Harrassment, I will post them in IMGUR Video link : IMGUR : http://imgur.com/a/RgZgK
Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by XFabioXD.
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I'll be handling this, expect a reply soon.
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After taking a look at this report, I can see that he did RDM you, however you did break NLR too which you shouldn't of done. Next time, please call an staff member by pressing F1. And about the harassment, I suggest you stay away from each other from now on otherwise there will be actions taken by staff. I will speak to the guy who RDMed you and a punishment may be given out.. but in future, please call a staff member and don't break a rule yourself.
+Accepted |
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