Name - (What is the accused person's name?) |HARRYASSMENT|
Steam-ID - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?) STEAM_0:1:96225327
Evidence of Steam-ID - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID)
Server - (What server was this on?) SSRP 1
Time and date (CET) - (When did it happend?) Friday 8:33 PM AEST
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?) He is a well known minge and not liked by the community, he was scamming people earlier and trolls in ooc. He is not a nice person in general.
Reason - (What rules did the person break?)
- 4.2 Base Appearance - Bases must not have flickering effects, invisible or anything difficult to the eye. Anyone entering the base must be able to see where they are going. No completely blacked out rooms the black material can only be used on one wall. Transparency can not be lower than 170% / units on the color/colour slider. Your base should not stop vehicle access on the roads, vehicles should be able to pass with ease. Excluding district bases.
- 4.3 Obstacles - Obstacles that slow the player down, or force them to crouch or jump are not allowed. This excludes the world. No mazes
- 2.9 Bribing - You're not allowed to bribe players to become other jobs. IE: /advert Change to cop so I can rob the bank and I will play you 50K RP Cash or /say I will pay you 10k RP Cash to change to thief and go rob that guy over there.
Story - (What happened?) So there were four cops and just Rp'ing looking for crime, then Harry adverts this "[Advert] |HarryAssMent|: PAYING 500K if u become a cop (giving away moneyz)" I say, "Harry, you're doing this just to raid the bank" and he responds with a Lenny face, obviously giving away it was true. So he starts raiding the base and its all types of wrong. It has lots of big props close together, slowing down our movement (See rule 4.3) Once you get past those props there were some other mazes with this weird red material that was almost invisible to the naked eye (see rule 4.2). So I make a F1 saying about these rules. Cody comes and tries to deal with the situation but half way through, Harry rdm's me. I come back to explain that its a sit and he does it again. Cody then had to leave because he had something to do (He can confirm). Basically this guy has been minging for too long and needs to be punished. I suggest a 2 day ban for him to think about what he's done and try to improve as he really has been making a bad impression on the community.
Proof :