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Staff Member(s) Name: Corvo
Staff Member(s) SteamID: in ss What did the Staff Member(s) do?: told em I was disrespecting, then voice mutingg me, then chat muting me and eventually kicked me, he was going to talk to me, btu since he muted me I couldn't talk to him, thus he kicked me, because I kept palcing textscreens with "you muted me", tried to talk to Onionrings as well, but then I got kicked. What server(s) was this on?: ssrp1 Evidence: postimg.org/image/bngjgu4i9/ postimg.org/image/w8zwmhbgx/ postimg.org/image/old046csx/ postimg.org/image/ij5ddoocx/ postimg.org/image/u6zf88dht/ postimg.org/image/6rm3gmj4h/ postimg.org/image/bozo1ql3l/ postimg.org/image/8xgeb4mkx/ postimg.org/image/bcdbso95d/ postimg.org/image/bg758xemp/ postimg.org/image/jglfxevkh/ I want him to say sorry at least. |
SSRP Moderator
SSRP Ex-Admin
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I will look in to the situation, consequently I will handle this.
Last Edit: 8 years 8 months ago by CaptinF1rework.
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CaptinF1rework wrote:
I will handle this. Thanks, I'm on S1 now, gotta sort a few more things out, all proof ready |
SSRP Moderator
SSRP Ex-Admin
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After talking to Cherrycrush I have decided that Corvo was in the wrong, so consequently I'm going to talk to Corvo about this, mainly due to how he handled the situation, it was done incorrectly. He will be spoken too and hopefully learn from this situation. Thanks for making this report abuse, it helps to improve the staff team!
Last Edit: 8 years 8 months ago by CaptinF1rework.
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