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i dont need to say much just watch the video....
Staff Member(s) Name: Clarky Staff Member(s) SteamID: i dont know What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Basicly, i was raiding a banker and clarky walked in an just phygunned me forwards to arrest me. What server(s) was this on?: Server 1 Evidence: This is a video of what happend.. Seriously he left straight after i called him out. |
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Seems like a mistake too me, but is still blatant physgun abuse.
He should have tp'ed you out of jail and unarrested after atleast. |
Ex-Deathrun Moderator Ex-SSRP Administrator Ex-TTT Moderator Ex-Minigames Moderator "Perp advertiser"
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I will speak to Clarky and decide the best course of action. Accepted
Last Edit: 8 years 9 months ago by _Max.
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