Staff Member(s) Name: TheBananaSlanger
Staff Member(s) SteamID: I don't know it.
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Okay so first He barely even accepts f1's and if he sees someone breaking a rule infront of him while he rps he doesnt react to it and says im busy rn , Today he saw people disrespecting and someone told him won't you punish them he said and I quote " I'm Rping I don't have time for these disrespecters" and then Someone broke NLR I killed him and he came right back and killed me , The logs clearly show the time between them and that its before 3mins and he claims that it isn't enough proof he broke NLR I mean wow... I copied our chat from the SIt and removed the Server messages like adverts and ooc from it.
What server(s) was this on?: Server 1 Darkrp
|NS| Seboo23_: okay so
|NS| Seboo23_: I killed this guy
|NS| Seboo23_: he came back and killed me
|NS| Seboo23_: Sam guy
|NS| Seboo23_: it was before 3mins
The BananaSlanger: Who did this?
|NS| Seboo23_: so He broke NLR
|NS| Seboo23_: asm synthetic
|NS| Seboo23_: sam*
The BananaSlanger: Sam Synthetic?
|NS| Seboo23_: mhm
The BananaSlanger: Do you have proof?
|NS| Seboo23_: lol
|NS| Seboo23_: Yup
|NS| Seboo23_: Check the time in logs
|NS| Seboo23_: Its clear
|NS| Seboo23_: i killed him
|NS| Seboo23_: he killed me before 3mins
|NS| Seboo23_: what more proof do you need bruh
The BananaSlanger: still not enough proof
|NS| Seboo23_: listen man
|NS| Seboo23_: Listeennn
|NS| Seboo23_: NLR is 3 things
The BananaSlanger: ik
|NS| Seboo23_: Forget ur past life , Dont come to the same district , dont interact with the one that killed you
The BananaSlanger: i am mod you dont have to tell me the rules:P
|NS| Seboo23_: and he killed me
|NS| Seboo23_: THats all the proof you need
The BananaSlanger: xD
The BananaSlanger: Uhm
The BananaSlanger: NO
The BananaSlanger: No*
|NS| Seboo23_: Umm YES
|NS| Seboo23_: Dude
|NS| Seboo23_: He killed me before 3mins
The BananaSlanger: i cant use logs as proof
|NS| Seboo23_: Yes u can
The BananaSlanger: No
The BananaSlanger: I can't
|NS| Seboo23_: listen banana
|NS| Seboo23_: This
|NS| Seboo23_: exact Situation
The BananaSlanger: Don't say i can becuse i can't
|NS| Seboo23_: is in the goddamn application
|NS| Seboo23_: Lemme copy it for you
The BananaSlanger: No proof: I can't do anything
|NS| Seboo23_: wait banana
|NS| Seboo23_: No wait
[ZARP-Notice]: Your admin request was marked as finished by The BananaSlanger!
|NS| Seboo23_: DUDE
|NS| Seboo23_: wtf
|NS| Seboo23_: wait look
|NS| Seboo23_: sec
The BananaSlanger: no proof
|NS| Seboo23_: Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
|NS| Seboo23_: NO PROOF ?
The BananaSlanger: I can't use that as proof dude
|NS| Seboo23_: Oml
The BananaSlanger: I cant use logs as proof
|NS| Seboo23_: Can you brind an admin
|NS| Seboo23_: Bring an admin
|NS| Seboo23_: and ask him
|NS| Seboo23_: infront of me
The BananaSlanger: and i dont know if he came back or not
And then he marked my f1 as finished and returned me without even listening to me.