You are missing one part of the template. That is evidence. If you don't have any It will be denied anyway for we can not take action without any.
Staff Member(s) Name:
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
What server(s) was this on?:
Further more You yourself brought up what you did and it indeed was a rule break.
seth8374 wrote:
fine ask him your self wat happened cuz we were basing with him then we change jobs and backstabbed them \
so how the fuck is that job abuse cuz we were that job for about 30mins
By the new jobabuse rule you cant change job to raid a base when you are in it it does not matter how long you have been the job. If you want to raid the base you entered as a non raiding class you have to leave to raid it.
I will have to
DENY this request for the above reasons. In the future please add evidence and keep up to date with the rules.