Staff Member(s) Name: Bob Raheem #Doom4HA
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62132956
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Okey, so basically. I don't play on Server2 that much, and i've never raided the bank on there. And when i killed a cop on server2 *He was inside of the bank doors*, i ran into the bank, and i was thinking of how to build a decent dupe on there. So i was runnin and jumping around. And then, when i was going to start building some fences. An admin brought me to a roof, and said i was lying and shit, and said that i wasnt gonna build in there. Then he warned me for Rdm, because he said you gotta raid the vault, or else it's rdm. I'll put down some screenshots and i hope a Superadmin/Headadmin/Owner can talk to this guy. And i would like you guys to remove that warning. I don't know if thats a rule on Server2, but i don't think so..
What server(s) was this on?: SSRP: 2
Evidence: Here's a few screenshots:
I don't know if these screenshots sits in the right position, i had a lot of ss's up.
Just read them
Thank you for reading, and i hope something will happen. Since i don't have a video, and i can't really record because my computer is full of crap. And makes it lag.
Thank you,