Staff Member(s) Name: Exrobite
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: So my friend Seronyx was at the bank NPC and I was in health and armor district but I could only see up the the NPC not past it where my base was, he was being killed by a cop and I was able to see the cop and him so I shot the cop that was and I then got shot but I didn't know who killed me I assumed it was a cop that was just killing me for killing the other cop which was fine because its a valid reason to kill me,
I couldn't see the glass doors where my base was nor the cops that were raiding so I had no clue what was happening at my base, I ran to main district to collect from my printers and seen cops raiding, so I killed one of them that was exrobite and he tpd back and took me to a roof, he told me that I broke NLR and I said no I didn't, I died in a different district and came back because I got told I was being raided. He said that I was interacting with my old life when the reason that I died wasn't for defending my base it was for defending my friend when I had no clue that we were being raided because I couldn't see my base and no one told me anything until after I died. I said no I wasn't I had no clue you guys were raiding my base I got told that you were raiding after I died, he then assumed that I knew and warned me. The reason that this is false is because I didn't know they were raiding my base and I wasn't shooting the cops for them raiding my base I shot
1 cop because I seen him killing my friend Seronyx, considering I didn't know they were raiding means that I wasn't interacting with my past life because in my past life I had no clue that I was being raided, I killed a cop for a completely different reason.
Also the cop was coming around the corner front he road from pd and walker even said that the warning was unfair but wouldn't do anything about it and leave it to the higher staff
What server(s) was this on?: SSRP Server 1
Him assuming that I came to defend my base but I had no idea that it was being raided in the first place
Him assuming that I was interacting with my past life without knowing if I knew they were raiding or not
Him thinking I came back to the raid that I was supposedly defending
Me telling him that I was killing a cop that was killing my friend
This was the last of the conversation and then I was warned.