sneakyninja0129 wrote:
Me and another person were raiding a place and were both killed INSIDE and so we were both cops so we made our rounds and we went past there once and bill was wanted so we followed him up the street then back down and I was warned because of breaking NLR and when we had tazed him he had froze me for some reason that I don't know but end result I got warned my friend got warned and BILL was never punished even though he ran back to the area where we died knowing that we couldn't go back there so hince that, FailRP because he couldn't of known that we were breaking NLR.
You had NLR. He didn't have NLR. Therefore he broke FailRP for going to a district he is allowed to?
Umm doesn't make much sense. Wasn't you banned twice today from receiving too many warnings and also false wanting a moderator during a situation for "printers" when he was clearly a citizen and had not RP'd since joining. I advise reading the rules page and learning from Bill's warning as you clearly understand that you were warned for breaking NLR by returning to the district you died in.