Staff Member(s) Name: Gems
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19993627
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Invalid warn/Made up rule or what he likes to call t "Rule of thumb"
A guy called Syndicate became a godfather. Seconds later [Not knowing he was godfather for only a few seconds] i hold tab to see who is on i see a godfather is on and i see no agenda... And i started a demote request. He said in ooc i have only been godfather for only a few seconds, later on he gets demoted Gems checks logs and says you can't demote unless they have been that job for at least 10 minutes [Made up rule] I said i didn't know that he says "I am sure you didn't wait 10 minutes
" [Taking sides] Then warns me later on for Invalid Demote request [Invalid warn he had no agenda]
What server(s) was this on?: Server 2