Scottie012 wrote:
If all admins worked on that logic then ZARP would be a shitstorm of adminge. If it isnt a permaban and Yukino wasnt even confronted about it surely a permaban wasnt due. The admins expect to be allowed to permaban and then force someone to make a appeal, how would you like it if you were permabanned for saying something you deemed un-offensive?
He isnt forum banned, he is considering making a ban appeal but after being on zarp for 1 hr and getting banned for pasting something that is spammed in a more world-wide web I dont think he has much believe in this server anymore.
So basically you tell us to unban some one who calls us nazi's right. coz that is what he is saying. he is new to the server thats cool he can get a second chance IFFFF he appeals on the forums. but i ain't got no time for people who spam nazi signs in the chat. they can do that on other games. where the rules are different. now tell your friend to make a appeal on the forums