Yeah, there's always the possibility that you were seen by Davey when you were committing traitorous acts, but I highly doubt he did see you because anyone would call out a KOS on you if they did see you do that, unless they don't have a mic but Davey obviously does. All along it was obvious it was you, but due to TTT logic, no one can KOS you unless they have seen you do something traitorous or there is a KOS on you. Which there was no KOS on you, and Davey probably didn't see you.
Honestly, even though I haven't heard Davey's side of the story, I can't think of an excuse other than "I forgot to call a KOS on you" or "It was obviously you anyways", both of which are highly unbelievable. Or perhaps, maybe Ghosting came into the "equation" and someone killed by you told him this information. Not calling anynames here.