Nigerian Prince wrote:
Hello, if i offended any of you when i said "fugging shit kids' "ruined shaggy's run". I was not attempting to offend any of you in anyway, i was just joking and that's my silly sense of humor. Also, yes, i used to spam lennys but since then i've now unbinded all my lenny's (rip) and it literally can't happen again unless i copy & paste it, or bind it again, which i won't. About the "indeed" thing that's been going around since i joined the server (not sure if it was a major thing in the server before i joined), but i have been warned, but i use it to answer legit yes or no questions, but i may sometimes say it for no reason just to get people in the chat to speak.. So i'll try to stop saying the infamous "indeed". Sorry for getting you upset about this.
How are you going to kill the normies without your lennie binds?