Staff Member(s) SteamID: Dont know steam name. Just know EGGIS
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
I was Building my base peacefully with building sign at a 75 sign size when a player by the name of Wonky blew my base up and ruined my 4 hours of work. I called an admin (EGGIS) To the scene and he began to explain how I deserved it because the Rules state that the building sign MUST be size 100 for people not to raid you while you are building.. I said thats bull and looked it up in the rules. Nothing was found. I called EGGIS back to me and asked him to paste the rule in chat and where he found it at. He pasted "4.15 Building Signs - A building sign in which you can not be raided is recognized as long as you have no raid-able entities i" Nothing in that rule states that it needs to be 100 he began to say, then he went on saying how there was nothing he could do about it. I then said that was stupid and he could bring Wonky to me and Warn him for breaking the rules. He said He wasnt going to do that. He then left and i got a Warning for "Disrespect".
Pretty sure it went like this pal.
You used a tiny building sign which was hardly visible (for my bad eyes anyway). The sign was around 50 font.
I said that the rules stated the sign had to be in a LARGE font which yours wasn't. You argued with me for around 10 mins basically saying that isn't true and yours was visible. I then decided we were going no where with this and explained the f1 was finished and that I would be leaving. As you had no evidence AT ALL apart from blown up props.
You then called me a shitty admin and some other stuff.
Your story seems pretty favored towards yourself missing some key info buddy.