Staff Member(s) Name: This is sparta!!!
Staff Member(s) SteamID: In video/ss
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Basically he was handlign my F1, but he didn't quite udnerstand how it all worked, first he teleported away like 5 times, left me waiting 10 minutes, o well, he had a good reason for it I guess.
Next thing I show him the proof of this guy but the thign is that the guy left and reconnected, so the logs were cleared, well fine, next I'm got called bitch by that hobo guy, the mod does nothign, sayign he can't, I say okay, I make a appeal on the forum and see what other staff think about it, he doesn't respond(leaves again) So i left as well, next thign I know is I get a warning by him and he's talkign a bit cocky imo.
I even send him 3 more videos of other guys rulebreaking which he completely ignored, but that's fine for me
He doesn't know the rules, since he asked what FDA was, don't wanna say much, but keep it in mind :^)
What server(s) was this on?: 1