[SSRP2] Warning remove request.
9 years 10 months ago #102485
Staff Member(s) Name:[G] George Constanza & |Z| Chad Ubetcha
Staff Member(s) SteamID: in the screenshot.
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: So me and Chad ubetcha have already worked that out already couple a days ago and he removed my warning but it didnt get removed anyways? George costanza: I were going to raid pd so i killed the cops just outside pd, obviously because i were going to raid it and after i killed them it seemed to be a f1 i apologized for that contacted George after i asked admins on teamspeak if it was rdm to kill the cops. And i apologized for ruining the f1 and he accepted the apology and said he were going to ask if it wasnt rdm then remove the warning. That never happend
What server(s) was this on?: SSRP 2
Proof of me and Chad's talk : I want him to personally comment here to verify. He did remove it i got told on the right side and we are good but it wasnt removed anyways?
My warnings & steam id's of the mods :
Video of me not RDMING with the George Costanza warning :