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Beast viper was a mod on duty on top of my house. he looked down and saw i was getting raided. so he decided to jump down switch jobs to his advantage and help the raid. even though he had nothing to do with anything so he decided to use it to his advantage and from a mod on duty switch to help a raid.
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Please use the appropriate application for a demote upon a player; found here.
You will need suitable evidence etc. |
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im clicking found here but isnt doing anything :/
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Just copy this and edit your post with it
Staff Member(s) Name: Staff Member(s) SteamID: What did the Staff Member(s) do?: What server(s) was this on?: Evidence: |
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Hello Void,
Please use the template here so we can investigate your report. You still didn't use the template so the thread will be now locked, Please feel free to submit a new one at anytime. LOCKED Thanks. |
Last Edit: 10 years 2 weeks ago by RedPowder.
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