DJHomeL3$$ wrote:
Screenshots of morgan doing !goto while not on duty to locate our base, him as a master thief outside and a full console log of the night in question from me and 0wnage got on until we went offline.
Additionally i'd like to prephise the fact that to get in he abused the inherent trust granted by the position of admin. At first he asked to base with us as master thief, i told him i'm sorry master thieves can't base but if you change then sure I guess. He then went on to tell me that there had been a rule change and that master thieves were now allowed to base and camp ( i had earlier during this conversation told him you are allowed to base but not actually camp it which was the initial intent) he then went onto the motd pretending to check the rules just to make sure then told me yeah it's there and so i went into the motd. He kept directing me back and forth over Teamspeak 3 (metagaming to some degree) and then while he directed me back and forth keeping me distracted (using the meta gamed info that i was distracted) to lock pick his way into a base and shoot me and 0wnage in the face.
Attatchments (morgan using a goto as mod to locate our base right after comming on) (morgan as a master thief) if this one doesn't work please tell me, there was some trouble uploading it, i do have the actuall picture to upload as well but forums doesn't like files above 128kb ea, and this one is 408.
Also included with is the full unedited chat and console log of the session in question including my violations (yes i did violate a rule) which i am not going to leave out because that would be unfair to this case. I might have broken a rule, but i'm honest about it.
The chat log is invalid, you need screenshots, or something else like a video.
The first screenshot shows him abusing TP, and the second screen, shows him raiding you as master thief.
I suggest making your own warn request with that proof if you want to, it won't proof anything here.
Morgan has this screenshot though,
It shows you disrespecting him, and even if he did abuse his powers in any way, DJ.
You should never tell him to fuck off and he's a piece of shit.
You know you're supposed to respect everyone, doesn't matter what they do. Respect them.
This shows you handled a situation incorrect.
I am going to do something with this.
Tier 1-Amount of warnings issued: *
Verbal abuse; disrespecting a player or member of staff for -whatever- reason. Your are aught to always remain calm and decent.Small game-play offenses; RDM, NLR, invalid demotion, meta-gaming and/or failRP of greater form, disrupting RP by taking admin issues on in IC areas.
Small power abuse; teleport for convenience, self-supply
The situation, well, Prophet has already said he will train you asap, so I hope you will learn something.