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TOPIC: [DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests

[DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests 11 years 3 months ago #27660

Paul Chennis - STEAM_0:1:12066562
Dimple Bumskin - STEAM_0:0:9617048
NightAce - STEAM_0:0:37887985
Zeke - STEAM_0:1:2521515
DeathRazor219 - He disconnected when an admin came online to avoid punishment, Which there was none anyway.
Ord - Just associated with but I didn't see him do wrong, thought you should know for any future reference.

Reason - Multiple Mass RDM

Me, ArchDukie and Afro was on the rooftop nexto the NPC Bob and the other gang was opposite about 3-4 houses down.. ArchDukie leaves for 15 odd Minutes and then his base disappears. About a 2 minutes later I decide to start building A base again whilst he was away... 3 Tiles in and I get shot down and raided by them. 3 Mins later I come back after scouting the map for where to move and then they are still there and kill me again. I then broke NLR to go see what they was doing as I wanted to build there and got killed again on the street. At this point I'm pretty confused as they was suppose to be allies with us from the day before. I then decide to go hobo after multiple RDMs and start building AROUND their door simply to make it ugly as they built on the street as Thefts and took up a high percentage of the map for 1 base (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =179173129) It was clearly still accessible but was in the Road even though cars could drive around... It was removed for that reason. Whilst I was trying to build it I was RDMed over 10 times in the street whilst receiving verbal abuse. As Morgan Of Freemans was deleting my Hobo Base he accidentally removed a tile to their "base" and It was open so I ran in and took a healthcharger (Which was on the street part of the base) then gave it away to some random guy. I was then kicked by Morgan Of Freemans for NLR / "Stealing" as Hobo / and Minging and they got off without a warning and Afro was banned without a warning or even getting to explain his side of the story.

Proof - LOGS: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... reenshots/

Server - ZARP DarkRP

Time and date (CET) - Around 21:00, 16th September 2013

Other comment - I understand I broke some minor rules but it is demoralizing seeing other
people break Major rules and get away with it and then have admin side
with them, Then seeing my friends be banned. it make me wonder why I even bother the following rules.
The problem I have is that this isn't a 1 off occasion, the rule breakers know that they will be able to
break 3-4 Rules and only receive a kick and simply ReJoin at a later time or even instantly for the same punishment whilst the legit players that have keypads are much easier targets for following the rules and get raided successfully more often. It's a huge flaw in the Warn system that punishes Rule Abiding players more than the Rule breakers. and honestly I don't know what I expect from this as Zeke is VIP and most likely that fact alone already starts people with a bias.
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[DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests 11 years 3 months ago #27661

Hello Legendz

I've read your story, and I agree and disagree.
First things first, they have the right to stay in your base, until the raid is over, they have no rights to camp your base. From reading this, I understand that, you came back after 2 minutes. And they were forced to kill you, which slowed them down. I really doubt you waited 3 min. 2 times as you said, because then you should've taken some Screenshots, and called an admin. Instead of doing this, you break NLR yourself.

Secondly, the thing you did as a hobo is not acceptable. Not only did you only do it to make revenge, but it was also really childish. Chris was in his full rights to kick you, because you broke NLR and job abuse. And It looks like you made it a crouch-base outside, which is not allowed either.
When Chris removed your base outside, you said, that he accidently removed something in their base, which made the base raidable, easy. You run in, and steal as a hobo, you did 2 mistakes here.
1. Stealing as a hobo/Raiding as a hobo is not acceptable.

2. The admin did a mistake, which means it was not RP. And you are RP'ing out of that, which is not allowed, you should've waited and let the guys fix their base. You knew this, but yet you raided as hobo.

Hobo's are homeless people, they have no money. What you are doing is ; Changing job, to get the possibility to make props at the guys house, which again is really immature.
I understand I broke some minor rules but it is demoralizing seeing other
people break Major rules and get away with it and then have admin side
with them, Then seeing my friends be banned. it make me wonder why I even bother the following rules.

Well, where do I begin?
You are stating here ; That you don't want to follow the rules on the server, because other people don't. You even admit to breaking some rules, which makes me think, are you as bad as them? You broke rules like they did, maybe you should've stopped, and called an admin, before it all got out of hand.

You are also saying that ; The admins are on their side, this should not be tolerated on the server, the admins should be fair and respect everyone. Not take sides, if you have proof of this, I would gladly see it. As it is not acceptable.

To be fair, I dont think they will remove Zeke's V.I.P for rulebreaking, I only think he will be banned. And also, you have no proof of the RDM, you have a picture of your console, and a picture of you being immature.
There is no solid proof.
As Morgan Of Freemans was deleting my Hobo Base he accidentally removed a tile to their "base" and It was open so I ran in and took a healthcharger

All I see here, is a war between you guys. You have no solid proof of them rule-breaking, only of you breaking rules. Sorry

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[DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests 11 years 3 months ago #27668

[size=360:3qh5qthz]THIS WAS DEALT WITH LAST NIGHT.[/size]Jacob wrote:
Hobo's are homeless people, they have no money. What you are doing is ; Changing job, to get the possibility to make props at the guys house, which again is really immature.

There's no rule governing this, and it isn't really common sense. You don't need a reason to build a hobo home - but his does force vehicles to go onto the sidewalk and that is what makes it disallowed.


The proof doesn't really show the circumstances of your death, so you have 24 hours to provide further proof or I will deny this.
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[DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests 11 years 3 months ago #27669

I'll just post some of the event pictures for now and hopefully thats enough for you guys to get a understanding.
But I'll respond more to this incase any admin feel that any of the 6 people who were harassed by the propspammers are in any sort of trouble.
And naturally the others got a right to defend themself if that would be the case, I'm not 6 people afterall.

"Hobo house" v1 (creds to legendz):
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/598 ... 9E721DCF4/
it's a lovely HOUSE, dont you all agree?
it's totally not just prop spam at our entrance. (gotta love the randomly floating combine forcefields and bridges. <3)

Afro admiring his fellow team mates "hobo house":
http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/598 ... A109B329D/

Oh someone noticed the LAVA IN THE SKY?
Yea that's afros.
it's lovely.
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/598 ... 8DD0CD4F7/
notice how its basicly encircling all around our base and kinda floating in the sky too?
yea... thats the biggest buildprop in the whole game. massive floating squares. painted as lava.
http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/598 ... 07763E49A/

Here is the "hobo house" in its final form:
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/598 ... F41EB44EF/
a big ammount of spam right outside our entrance that you need to jump up on and walk through.
in first person while entering it looks something like this:
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/581 ... C635DAF8D/

Please notice the chat in the "final hobo hut" picture.
He refers to an area in line of sight of our base that we raided. we took like ~10 AK's, ~10 Scouts, ~10 Gerbilli (or w/e the rifle is called) and a money printer. (they didnt enjoy that)
Afterwards they set up and used a indestructable prop cannon which allows them to put in a slam and launch it long distances (conveniently aimed at our base entrance...)

Naturally we told them to go away/stop prop spamming a ton of times. Everything they did was purely with the intent to annoy. there was no sense of RP or anything like that.

as a final note:
The health regenerator he raided as a hobo was stolen instantly after the admin (obviously) accidentally removed one of our walls (it was even told in chat by the admin and talked about when legendz was in hear sight). Legendz was also told in voice about how it was wrong to steal at that time, yet proceeded.
He wasnt stopped by the admin. He died to our weapons while he was in the deepest part of our base where our money printers are stored.

That is all.
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[DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests 11 years 3 months ago #27671

Well, yeah... lots of "Proofs" and stuff, it's clear Afro propspammed the sky, and Legend obviously did that lolyoloswagbase because he was angry, even he admitted it, but, Zeke, you're just providing photos of the hobo lolhaus and the propspam in the sky, but you dont really explain anything of the actual events, the only one being actually explained is the incident with the HC, but.... Hobos are hobos, they'd try to get it to sell it or something, RP stuff, (At least I'd do it lol, my common sense OP) now the thing is, IC, yo don't know whose the base is unless textcreen saying "LOLORGOP BASE KOZ LINE"Jacob wrote:

1. Stealing as a hobo/Raiding as a hobo is not acceptable.

Let me say, they CAN and WILL steal. They're hobos. Some may steal, some may not, thing is THEY CAN STEAL, now, that makes the incident with the health charger in more like a random kick. NLR? Is a warning. Minging too,
but not stealing. It's semi-serious, even if he removed the wall by accident, doesnt really give him permission to warn/kick for STEALING. He didn't raid at any time. He saw a wall cracked open and stole a health charger, that's all. And if you say; "WELL YEAH BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT SO HE COULDNT DO IT" He can, because ifyu accidentally destroy a wall of your base (or an admin accidentally too) and you get all your money printers stolen, you simply deal with it, because if you're in your base, an admin accidentally removes the wall and you say; "HEY ADMIN THIS GUY STOLE MY PRINTUH" He wont give you a fucking refund, nor he actually haves to bring the guy with the printer. It's SEMI-SERIOUS RP, and he didn't raid as hobo, he STOLE as a hobo, and as I said, Warn and minge, yes, probably warns, but not "Stealing as a hobo" because he could, so it kinda was a random kick when he stole the health charger....

I may remain [font=comic sans ms:6486ky5f]NEUTRAL[/font:6486ky5f] until new notice.
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[DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests 11 years 3 months ago #27675

You clearly got no clue about the context of the health recharger theft, so i'll fill in some info for ya.
The admin was removing the prop spam outside our base, the base Legendz and Afro had been harassing for over an hour.
The admin (while administrating the propspam in the road and talking to Legendz) accidentally hit one of our walls instead of the propspam.
Legendz then proceeded to steal from us while he himself was being administrated.
There is no mistake or "lol RP" here. he full well knew wtf was going on and clearly abused the fact the admin messed up.
Heck, he didnt even steal the health recharger for the sake of keeping.
The sole purpuse of the theft was to take it and throw it out into the streets where a crowd was.
I dont mind if someone is DUMB and takes a health recharger becouse he think there is a unattended health recharger conveniently available.
But this is a guy who was talking to the admin and having his props removed while right next to a group of people who he had been harassing for over a freeking hour.

It's like the diffrense of Homocide and Murder.
If you accidentally kill someone, well shit, thats kinda bad but you didnt mean it.
Thus the punishment is nonexcistant or nowhere near the levels of Murder (iow: a case where you intentionally try to end someones life)
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[DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests 11 years 3 months ago #27676

Terramorphous wrote:
Let me say, they CAN and WILL steal. They're hobos.

That is incorrect. Read the rules before arguing about them.
RP Server Rules wrote:
•Spamming bugbait or Singing (Right clicking with bugbait equipped) can get you arrested or killed.
•You are a hobo; you do not own a home. You must make it.
•You are not allowed to raid
•You are poor, keep it that way (no big guns nor printers).
•You are not a gangster, stick With small Groups of hobos.

He kicked you for a completely valid reason.
The only thing you managed to prove here was your own rulebreaking.

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[DENIED] Multiple RDMers - Ban Requests 11 years 3 months ago #27677


Invalid proof.
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