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Name - <ifmsubzero2>
STEAM-ID - <STEAM_0:1:20676745> Rank - <Regular> Reason - <Blocking camera, prop push and rdm> Story - <I made a concert, and this guy made props to block the camera, he also rdm'd me and proppushed someone.> Proof - <Blocking my camera http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =177650277> <PropPushing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =177650298> <RDM http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =177650162> Server - <DarkRp> Time and date (CET) - <6:06PM> Other comment - <I told the guy not to be immature, and remove it. And he ignored me, and shot me to death.> |
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[font=courier:n6k93191]Good evidence. Clearly doesn't know what he's doing.
[size=360:n6k93191]Banned for 3 days.[/size][/font:n6k93191] [size=360:n6k93191]ACCEPTED[/size] |
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