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Name - Jean-Pierre, Darth Vador
STEAM-ID - Jean-Pierre;chocoolat2068 |
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[size=360:20wguxfo][font=comic sans ms:20wguxfo]BUMP! PLEASE SOMEONE SEE THIS IS SERIOUS FFS![/font:20wguxfo][/size]
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All 3 videos show that you're on the edge of their base, about to enter.
•It is not considered RDM when they are inside your base without permission. Did they have a KOS line? Your videos don't show this. [font=courier:3gmrjc5u][size=360:3gmrjc5u]NEUTRAL[/size][/font:3gmrjc5u] |
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NOChristopher wrote:
All 3 videos show that you're on the edge of their base, about to enter. No KOS line m8. Their base was that little shitty room, and they didnt have any KOS line nearby or anything like that. •It is not considered RDM when they are inside your base without permission. Did they have a KOS line? Your videos don't show this. [font=courier:mkh5pjs2][size=360:mkh5pjs2]NEUTRAL[/size][/font:mkh5pjs2] |
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Okay. I will remain: neutral.
Merely because mutant rules often have a sense of ambiguity, and this should have been a small punishment. Plus, you were about to enter their base as well as the fact that the videos are short and possibly indicate that prior communication such as a warning to leave was missed. Not that I don't trust you, or anything. |
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This happend 1 or 2 days before the "you cannot kill mutants freely underground" rule. And it seems like you broke NLR in 2 of the vids, but ofc someone else might have killed you. But they were protecting their base, thats why they killed you. And you threatning them to open the door or you will throw them in the water says it all.
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