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Name - His RP name is; 'The Boss'
STEAM-ID - Not sure. Rank - VIP Reason - NLR, he also propblocked and attempted to propclimb. Story - So, it started with him just occasionally trying to rob me, I didn't mind that. But then he started to break so many rules while he was doing it and it really got on my nerves how he wouldn't rest until he got my stuff, this went on, on and off for about 2 hours, he just kept turning up. After a while he started to use abusive and offensive language saying; "Come on out, you pussy." - etc. so eventually he started to propclimb, he propblocked, removed it when I said he's blocking and then he blocked again, he broke NLR every time I killed him and he just wouldn't go away... he also said to a Black Market guy; "Give me some money, so I can kill this guy, there he is, I want him dead so just give me some money; shoot him!" Then I got RDM'd by his friend. This was shortly after I got so fed up I deleted my base and blew up my printers just so he would go away... Proof - Yes, I have images and videos. I only started recording and taking pictures at the later time, around half an hour before I left. But I hope these do well enough: http://imgur.com/dh20yQ8 http://imgur.com/WUp83fs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBXYFs1m ... e=youtu.be Server - ZARP DARKRP Time and date (CET) - Around 7:30 - 23:25 - British time. Other comment - |
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No steamID = no ban.
You're not going to find someone with a generic name (The Boss). Next time you want to report someone, go into the 'tab' menu, find their name, click it, screenshot the thing that comes up - and copy the steamid from that screenshot. |
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I remember his Steam name was Dean-
I forget the last part... I'll catch his ID today. |
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If hes vip it should be easy, just catch ot when he comes on.
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Why post youtube vid but make it private.
https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/3175354112/h636D7CF2/ |
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I have never seen anyone with the rp name "the boss" maby it was temorary, meaning that not having his steam ID is fatal. The youtube video is also private, but you dont seem to want to fix this. I belive you simply dont give a shit anymore.
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