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Hazzacv3 STEAMID STEAM_0:0:59824269 ACCUSATION I returned to my base after half an hour, only to find that the accused had built onto it. I discovered no means of opening the door he had placed, and I have sufficient evidence to show that it was indeed propblock. EVIDENCE http://i.imgur.com/fTpMeW7.jpg ]- No keypad in sight... http://i.imgur.com/2eca1HO.jpg ]- Aside from mine which is part of the original base. http://i.imgur.com/B0Mf5UR.jpg ]- Prop from my security system, he's evidently built onto my base. http://i.imgur.com/cTHcW3E.jpg ]- Still no keypad :/ |
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+Support obvious prop block!
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3 ban requests in 1 hour. wow
Konth And Ducky
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That wasn't your base, the doors were un-owned and me and Hazzacv3 bought them
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sean3612 wrote:
That wasn't your base, the doors were un-owned and me and Hazzacv3 bought them My props still existed. Rather than building over, you should have asked an admin to unown them. It also doesn't remove the fact that you have propblocked. |
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