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Name - JackoHD
I'm back.
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+S, good evidence plus saw him TP abusing earlier.
-Tier 1- 2 tier 1s Amount of warnings issued: * Subjects: Verbal abuse; disrespecting a player or member of staff for -whatever- reason. Your are aught to always remain calm and decent. Small game-play offenses; RDM, NLR, invalid demotion, meta-gaming and/or failRP of greater form, disrupting RP by taking admin issues on in IC areas. Small power abuse; teleport for convenience, self-supply Player exclusion abuse: invalid kick. |
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+Support , no other words needed.
I can be your best friend, or your worst nightmare!
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Nice, classy guy. [size=360:nyqp6az1]+Support[/size]
Konth And Ducky
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Hes getting a tier 1 warning. I will send it via the forums, but he haven't been on for 7 days, so if anyone can notify him ingame, then that would be Nice.
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