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Name: Ekkoren and Spermy
Steam id: on proof pic Story: i came on the server and there mas Major propblock everywhere. Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... reenshots/ Server: Zarp3 Thanks |
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I'd say that the name tags are a bit blury, but you can make them out.
These two players need to be perma banned from ZARP, spamming is just a waste of time and makes you look shallow. [move:13eezkbm][size=360:13eezkbm]+SUPPORT[/size][/move:13eezkbm] Just thats not their steam ID... |
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Thats not the steam id but the proof is pretty clear
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Proof speaks for itself, clear indication of abuse and the size of the props and the mass of them proves that they aren't exactly there to RP only to cause chaos. |
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I had a record of them mass propkilling too but i cant find it and dont remember what i named it.
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