ItsDonny wrote:
sinzz wrote:
ItsDonny wrote:
Have you tried coffee instead of reports first thing in the morning?
KInda explained why I reported him why do you want more like a signature of me certified that report is valid by the academy of report industrie of zarp in the forum section report abuse from ssrp section or ?
Jesus Christ you irrelevant imbecile, no, i don't want more like a signature of me certified that report is valid by the academy of report industrie of zarp in the forum section report abuse from ssrp section or. It's not even what i asked about. Have a good day bitterman
so how does saying that make me think you're still trying to piss me off that i'm reporting something and you wish i'd drink coffee i don't like at all instead of reporting, and also you are a idiot to thought I wanted a signature of what ever is it just a fucking sarcasm thing i said to leave me alone !