Mr. Richard wrote:
ItsDonny wrote:
And also, adding to Richard's reply, doxxing's definition includes exposing private undisclosed and sensitive information about an individual. Anything made public online that can be accessed and shared by many, is definitely not doxxing. You should know better by now to not spew idiotic shit about things you have no idea about, but instead get educated first and then speak.
I mean, I might be wrong but that's what I've been told by many members who play actively - Seems quite plausible since I was told the
exact same story by all.
Furthermore I recall an "incident" that occurred a couple of weeks back which involved someone sharing sinz's social media to which sinz himself stated that he, and I quote: "doesn't mind", and forgave the person in question - So he's just picking and choosing who he likes and doesn't like and having people banned for this alleged "doxxing". If it were his best friend Suken he'd forgive him immediately, however if it was JMT or someone else he dislikes; expect a report immediately.
when I said I didn't care? show me the quote in question and all the context because part of the sentence means absolutely nothing, in my memory I stipulated very well to martin or whatever that I don't want this kind of thing to be in zarp and that well when i said "i don't mind" that's when it's out of the way because i don't care what people do outside but i strictly don't tolerate people have fun with this kind of thing in zarp for example ssrp or forum
so to sum up because sir is stubborn
me tolerate off zarp
me not tolerated in zarp
because outside zarp they have every right to do what he wants since zarp does not consider anything that is done outside zarp they have the right to do what he wants