Name - (What is the accused person's name?) iFreshFruit (codabro)
Steam-ID - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?) STEAM_0:1:77141376
Evidence Of Steam-ID - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID)
Server - (What server was this on?) ssrp servers
Time And Date (CET) - (When did it happen?) 29th-4st december
Other Comments - (Anything else you want to add?)
Reason - (What rules did the person break?) rdm in a suit (refuses do refund) , propkill to kill miners ,, building in the mines as a cop and propblocking ores , exploits to get away with nerve gassing x5 (have proof of 4 of them and the rest can be seen by cm logs)
Story - (What happened?) i used my alts to afk mine and this person has broken rules to stop them from mining almost every day since, from exploiting by throwing nerve gas in a nano suit and then disconnecting seconds after they die so the deaths dont count to his (which can be proven by community logs throwing nerve gas and disconnecting seconds later to then all my alts dying to something random in which it would say in logs it would die to unknown) he has also used cars to proppush them into the mines and kill the alts via propkill , in total he has done the nerve gas exploit about 6 times , propkilled my alts about twice (only have proof for one time that actually shows him and the rest can be seen via cm logs) and rdmed my suit for no reason
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
here is the first clip of codabro propkilling my alts, it shows in the video the fbi being johnny pushing the alts , trying to hide the fact that he pushed the alts by crouching and then after me saying clipped he then goes on about stuff that i never have done, if this actually happened he would have reported the community team with evidence but that didnt happen.
there is the chat after the recording happened
here is the clip of ifresh rdming my agility suit, i would also like to mention that they did shoot at me and hit me with their mini2 before this however they was too far away so i couldnt see them and i do not have a clip
i also clipped codabro building in the mines as a cop but also propblocking the ores which is two rulebreaks in one, during the clip he blocks my camera with a prop also.
These clips are the exploiting nerve gas to kill alts and then leaving so it doesnt show up in logs, if you go to the time the clip was uploaded and the community logs it will show this person taking out a nerve gas putting on a nano suit and then magically this user leaving and the alts dying seconds later, johnny has done this about 4 times in total and it would show in the community logs, although it is not guarrented i can with 100% without question during these two clips it was him as in the most recent one no one on the server was active apart from me and there is no reason for me to lie.
in this clip codabro also uses his stun stuck to push a random miner in which affects his ability to make gems, this could be classed as corrupt cop or stun stuck abuse.
Name - (What is the accused person's name?) polo
Steam-ID - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?) might be STEAM_0:1:189359332 but im unsure check cm logs
Evidence Of Steam-ID - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID)
Server - (What server was this on?) ssrp
Time And Date (CET) - (When did it happen?) yesterday
Other Comments - (Anything else you want to add?)
Reason - (What rules did the person break?) rdm in a suit + multple accounts of rdm (refuses to refund)
Story - (What happened?) i was deep sea diving and polo killed me, the chat was about the same situation which was discussed during my cm ban
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
polo has been consistantly rdming me and ripping my items to make me
all of the proof will be shown with the staff member on discord as there are 19 clips
for the nerve gas community logs will show that part but all these clips of the nerve gas have a pattern
would prefer if a Lead Team Member would handle