Hello Kronen,
I couldn't possibly accept this report with a straight face, just by watching the video you can see that it is a Standby nuke and you are on a roof ( PLANNING SOME NEFARIOUS ACTS NO DOUBT
) a little over half way into it. You are wearing a suit and Red X is in the process of being attacked, it's not fair to assume you were approaching him with any intention of killing him.
In the clip Red X shoots at what I guess from his POV could be an aggressor, identifying this by it being a Standby member, in a suit running at him while he is cornered. He quickly realises you aren't an attacker and stops and leaves, bare in mind when nukes on this large a scale happen it's difficult to keep on top of who's doing what.
It simply wouldn't be fair to take any actions against Red X based on this report and the proof provided.