Hello JoshuaIsGreat (It's true),
I have taken the time to properly analyse and review what's happened here and I think you'll be fairly happy with the outcome and decision I have come to...
To get things off to a quick start, I will
not be punishing Preston Garvey for what he did. HOWEVER, I have spoken to him and let him to know just talk to people before punishing them, even if it is something as little as "ask a higher up for further information". The reason I say this, is because in this particular instance, Preston was only acting on request from the community team -- as they were busy dealing with the launch of the update.
Just a side note, he's still fairly new to staffing on a server that is slightly more populated, in comparison to what we've recently seen with the 5 active daily users.
As for yourself, I will be removing the punishment you received on this particular occasion, effectively I will just be allowing everyone to go their own separate ways in this instance. The reason I am doing this is because of when the Xmas rules were posted this year, it was after this whole incident.
Whilst it would have been common sense not to use the job for your own personal gain and prevent others from getting any sort of "reward", it wasn't made explicitly clear that you couldn't do so and therefore I will clean up your rapsheet. I would be lying if I said it would be something I wouldn't have tried, if I wasn't a staff member!
Consider this report abuse
denied, but don't forget you will also be getting your punishment removed.