Staff Member(s) Name: Josh
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67210144
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?: False accusations
What Server(s) Was This On?: SSRP
So I was in a discord and got a ping from coda asking if something/someone was me. Turns out some random person came on the server and spouted nazi and racist shit, from this josh blamed me and say "hi stewie" accusing me of alting to come on the server to spout nazi racist stuff. This is coming from a super admin btw
So I reached out to josh and ask if it was true and well speaks for itself right (I found the profile from the name/id josh gave me because I bet it I get questioned "HoW dId YoU gEt ThE pRoFiLe"
I am not happy to be accused of something I did not do. I don't own alts, nor would I alt, nor would I be so fucking stupid with spouting nazi racist stuff, its not worth my time.
This is on top of the other stuff that has happened with eleven but thats not for now. I know a punishment can't be handed out so please can he be spoken too. I would like martin/chute to handle. Thank you.