EviIstewie wrote:
Mr. Richard wrote:
Clarky wrote:
Also try to avoid stirring up drama, I'd rather keep it on topic than for it to derail into something else.
So much about that...
Anyways, it seems very minor from the evidence provided in the report, but surely if this has been quite frequent and reoccurring as You've said it has, then I'm confident that whoever handles this report will check SSRP chat logs/deleted forum posts and other evidence shall you have more to provide.
It wouldn't be the first time around that someone is trying to provoke a reaction and spark an argument for such reasons, seen it hundreds of times before, wouldn't surprise me if it happened here, again. Quite frankly, it seems rather childish, immature, and completely unnecessary, but hey, some people just never grow up.
Good luck with the report.
Thats what he finds fun from zarp, stir drama and its always something like "look how much I've upset you". Gets rather boring quick. What I wanna know is how come he doesn't get banned? I swear he has the highest number of harassment/being toxic reports. On multiple occasions I've seen him target new players pushing them off the server being toxic towards them or just targeting them. The point im trying to make is he is a cancerous cell and will continue to stop new players, cause drama and attempt to kill off the server (which he has stated multiple times) Sad little attention seeker who is desperate to upset people to make himself feel better. Even what im putting now is gonna give him a stiffy because its negative attention and he can twist it to think im upset, spoons mate at this point no one is upset because of you, just bored of you.
I think it's because of staff not giving much attention to such inconveniences, or not being arsed to deal with those whole situations because let's face it, it's easier to handle RDM, NLR, Scamming, FearRP reports much easier and quicker, rather than harassment ones which can sometimes take up from 20-30 minutes up to days, just to acquire all the logs/evidence/getting to talk to both sides, etc - It can really exhaust staff to take care of such people, which shouldn't be the case because they are here to ensure a fun and safe environment for all. I remember how long it took me to acquire just a few logs from the Community Team, so I can understand their POV too. The whole report gets prolonged unnecessarily, and hence why people avoid dealing with harassment issues.
I completely agree with you, it sure does get boring and I still fail to comprehend how anyone can find it entertaining to provoke and pester someone for days on end, what's the point, what's the benefit of it all?
I'm not familiar with this situation and hence why I'm not picking sides here, but if what Clarky is saying is true, then Sp00ns much be met with appropriate repercussions to prevent any similar inconveniences from happening again. I don't remember Sp00ns ever being such a guy, and I've personally never had any issues with him during my two-year staffing journey, but I guess people change, and everything is quite possible nowadays, so I wouldn't be surprised much.