Staff Member(s) Name:
Staff Member(s) SteamID: :
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?:
Slayed me for no reason. I was the Detective and I killed a T after I got DNA from him from an ID'd body. The T reported me saying I need to ask for the reason why and got slayed as a result.
This is the rule on killing people for those who are not aware:
Players are not allowed to kill others without a justifiable reason. Random Death Match or RDM is the act of killing without a justifiable/valid reason and is punishable. It is recommended to ask a player who killed an innocent why they did so. Without a justifiable reason they can be killed. Read rules 2.6 and 2.7 for more information on when killing people is acceptable."
It very clearly states it is recommended I ask a player why they killed an innocent, not that I am required. I had a valid reason to kill the T but Kurze disagreed and said I had no reason despite the fact I had DNA from an innocent's body and didn't remove my slay.
This is stupid and ridiculous that you can get DNA off of someone and still get slain for killing the T. And also violating the rules of the server as it clearly states I am recommended to ask for a reason. Nowhere does it say I am required.
This robbed me of a T round which is why I'm making this complaint.
What Server(s) Was This On?:
I can't attach the pictures because of size constraints but I have uploaded them to the Google Folder below: