KrecikS wrote:
1.1a In-Game Names
Your steam name must have readable characters that can also be pronounced in English to ensure that you can be targeted in-game. You cannot have the same name that another player/staff member has on the server, and your name cannot conflict with the TTT gamemode. Failure to change your name will result in punishment. Here are some examples:
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An example of an okay name: Gunner
An example of an okay name: Max
(An example of an okay name: czesc, jestem kret)
An example of a not okay name: Спасибо
An example of a not okay name: Detective/Traitor/Innocent
(An example of a not okay name: (ć)ześć, jestem kret)
What the fuck are you talking about, thats not what it says in the rules, also a demote request over a name change, grow up. He's staff, he deemed your name caused confusion, he changed it end of. If it turns out that names like that are fine, then i'm sure we will be informed, but who gives a fuck.