Name - What is the accused person's name? : Adrian
STEAM-ID - What is the accused person's STEAM-ID? : STEAM_0:1:48778125
Reason - What rules did the person break? : Gravity gunning my props to get to my printers, freezing me so I couldn't buy grenades and blow my printers, leaving my freezed for around 4-5min, until mikkula comes and unfreeze me. Also called all my gang members Asses.
Story - What happened? : So, I wanted to move place, and I got my trailer, I start filling it with all my printers, when I saw Adrian in my trailer, I went to get grenades, but suddently, I couldn't move, and I saw Adrian, I told him to stop abusing, and he said " all of you vikins are asses " And left me freezed,
Proof - Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened.
Freezing me, I told him to let me buy grenades, and told him to stop abusing ... =134549914
Telling him to stop, and he tells me he just wanted to help, ALSO CALLS VIKINGS ASSES! ... =134549672
Gravity gun through my props ... =134548849
Keeps me freezed ... =134548692
ADDED PROOF, - Adrian and Titty giving themself Master thief with powers so it's 3/2. RUINS RP! ... =134555211
Here I'm, alone on the road, he left me, I WAS FREEZED! That was no unproffesional, to leave me freezed, I were here for around 4 minuttes, until I got mad and started recording, Mikkula came and unfroze me<3
(Mikkula is working on this video)
Server - What server was this on? : Server #3
Time and date (CET) - : 18:30
Other comment - Anything else you want to add? : This is really sad, and I would like to see a warning for this guy.!