Sufficient proof.
-Tier 2-
Amount of warnings issued: **
Verbal abuse; Racism.
Greater game-play offenses; multiple conscends of RDM/NLR.
Greater power abuse; slay for advantage, invalid freezing, invalid physgunning, no-clip abuse, godmode abuse, cloak abuse, remover tool abuse.
Player exclusion abuse: invalid bans with insufficient proof upon appeal.
Thus for the slaying, which obviously was a random slay 'for that'.
-Tier 1-
Amount of warnings issued: *
Verbal abuse; disrespecting a player or member of staff for -whatever- reason. Your are aught to always remain calm and decent.
Small game-play offenses; RDM, NLR, invalid demotion, meta-gaming and/or failRP of greater form, disrupting RP by taking admin issues on in IC areas.
Small power abuse; teleport for convenience, self-supply
Player exclusion abuse: invalid kick.
For the fading door abuse.
Haven't even mentioned the warn.
Pretty much instant demote if you ask me. He failed to explain his means for using his powers on you. He wasn't communicative at all. This is one of those 'I will not say anything but just continue'-type of mods. Useless garbage.