Interesting note, CoolBoy turned up as a plain ol' VIP yesterday night- 27th of March, 9PM CDT.
I don't know what happened last night- but I'm not kidding. One moment, he was a mod. The next moment, he's just a VIP.
In any case, he was a huge headache for me on the 27th, along with his partner in crime, Coolgirl.
I'll say no more, other than I think it's in the interest of us all that CoolBoy
(And CoolGirl, but that's for a different thread) be demoted.
Scottie wrote:
Trails wrote:
Scottie wrote:
Trails wrote:
I bet you he kicked me because I previously raided him for his printers. As I rejoined my base vanished and they camped in it for 30 minutes.
Well whatever you're betting on, you need him to bring in proof. If he doesn't, it is automatically a invalid kick as it is a mods job to retain proof of actions taken.
Don't know his steam name or his SteamID...
Agent can dig that up, surely. Or catch him playing.
EDIT. I found CoolBoy's steam ID while digging in some FRAPS recordings of other abusive moderators
Steam Name: No Name
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:38459936?
Or STEAM_0:1:38459356?
It's hard to make out with the low res on the footage, but it's something around there. Sorry I couldn't be better