Red_Line wrote:
Miia wrote:
While it may seem like a stretch i would say your name would fall under this rule as you are clearly changing your name to resemble that of a staff member, by changing it to something similar but not technically the same it could also be seen as trying to loophole the rule.
The thing is, that he started doing that on purpose.
It started yesterday, when he got mad at me for something.
Check the picture, i added. And look at his nicknames
He uses this nickname every time he is on server with me.
The fact is that you kicked 4 people not only me.
i Don't see any rule violation in that names, Oh wait, i got adviced to change my name Red_tube as it have the same _ in the middle as your name.
Welcome to the real world, where u have to live with d1cks
aEv break any rule? i don't think
Black firday break any rule? i don't think
Blue_line break any rule? i think that a blue line isn't the same as a red line
and when a simple word can change all the quote context i don't think you can say it's the same.
Kos the Kos of Koses can break a rule, and i that's why i changed my name so i didn't have any warn
Red_Tube break any rules? i don't think
the sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick break any rule? please, u don't have enought capacity to pronounce it all without stopping
Kos Red Line can break it, that's why i changed it quick.
And remember kids, if i don't have any warn for that names, is because i changed them because a admin told me or because they don't break the rules or because i put that name less than a minute.
have fun