Hello Smojea., after speaking to Daddysmurf I have concluded that the punishment you received was valid but not handled to a high standard, as he admitted to not checking the logs(wouldnt help much in this situation anyway) or text chat and basing it off of assumptions due to your response. He could not have opened a chat as the other user had disconnected.That second autoslay on you was also removed. He handled it properly, just not carefully. Next time, please respond to the report in the proper fashion, and explain to the staff member as to what happened. Therefore, the staff member in question was not in the wrong in this instance, but will be told to handle reports more delicately.
For the attitude part, it was completely unacceptable and is in no way permitted for any staff member. All staff should be respectful at all times, and I apologize for any offense this may have caused you. He will be reminded of how staff act in these situations, and how it is inappropriate to be speaking to users in such a manner. Thanks for the report, this has been,