Hello, DutchCat here,
I've made a report about But still, use the template:
Name - FUCquisha
Steam-ID - (STEAM_0:1:27335910
Evidence of Steam-ID -
steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055901711/screenshots/ everything is in that day, exept the mining thing.
Server - SSRP 1
Time and date (CET) - (Around 10:00AM to 10:57, Netherlands time. UK Time around 9AM / 9:57
Other comments -This kid was super annoying, kept trolling, saying he was going to ban me because he is the "server" owner
Reason - (What rules did the person break?)
Story - (I've joined the server, then he started to trap me in dumpsters. he said haha ur stuck, later he kept to propblock me. after i said thanks smile for the camera. After that he kept rdmming me. minging, trolling, |Z|Morgan was with me, what i actually was trying is to make this kid more rulebreaking than what he already did, I've been sick, i couldnt even rp
Proof) - (