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Basically, Me and my friend went on the server and this 1 guy was RDMing us while we were just trying to have fun.
I have proof from a video with my friend (the voice is him, not me) The RDMers username is Johnathon Hills |
Last Edit: 6 years 5 months ago by Sally.
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Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ] [b]Name[/b] - (What is the accused person's name?)
[b]Steam-ID[/b] - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?)
[b]Evidence Of Steam-ID[/b] - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID)
[b]Server[/b] - (What server was this on?)
[b]Time And Date (CET)[/b] - (When did it happen?)
[b]Other Comments[/b] - (Anything else you want to add?)
[b]Reason[/b] - (What rules did the person break?)
[b]Story[/b] - (What happened?)
[b]Proof[/b] - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.) |
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Failure to follow the given template and provide valid proof. |
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