Mytic wrote:
dankek wrote:
Mytic wrote:
Yay I'll give you the 80m tomorrow or would you prefer 2 boosters as eh kinda don't have the money atm should get it through
shit grammar on phone
I'll be handling the situation. I'll hop on tomorrow 3:00pm GMT+2:00 so we can solve this out, I hope you'll both be there, I'll log off at 7:00~8:00 PM.
Tfw I'm only gonna get on at 8 pm gmt rip( 10 for you btw)
I'll be on , you two agree on a price and a payment. You have until tomorrow 10:00 PM GMT (your time) to agree on a payment with honey pot and give me the payment so I can deliver it to honey pot (if you cannot do it yourself). Please note, I'll ask for evidence if I haven't managed to contact honey pot myself, so screenshot the agreed payment.