Jordz wrote:
OnionRings wrote:
Staff Member(s) Name:
Tyler Dryden/Legendary Soldier
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?:
Harassed me, Lying , False claiming without speaking to me and actually having evidence.
What Server(s) Was This On?:
Well it all started off when a ex-member of the community claimed I leaked the Surf gamemode files. Which I never did and it ended up being someone else.
As seen in the images below Tyler called me multiple of times on my phone, in which he was never given permission to call me once. Tyler has randomly called me many times for no reason at all as well.
In the images seen below you can see Tyler call me multiple times and claim I leaked the files. He also completely lied about having some sort of screenshots in which he had already seen to try get me to admit to complete bullshit so that he could demote me or something. He claimed multiple of times that I was lying and it was me who leaked the Surf gamemode. Tyler ended up having zero proof of this “leaking the files” and straight up lied to me. He never once questioned me about it to talk about it or ask me nicely to try sort it out, he only confronted me basically in these whatsapp messages and harassed me by calling me many times.
Tyler still to this day has no apologized to me for his actions he has done. Tyler straight up claimed it was me and this was not fair in any way what so ever and I felt harassed by him for doing this. Tyler never once questioned or talked to anyone else about this but me and started to spread around rumors of me leaking the server files.
This behavior from a community manager is unacceptable and should not be accepted. The fact that he never once apologized to be and claimed to the rest of the community team that he did.
Tyler has done this sort of things many many times within the community and has done worse than this to other community members.
Onion are you childish? Block his number then dude. Nothing of this happened on any servers. So don’t see why you’re reporting my swed. If I called you from your phone would you report me? It’s stupid.
This whole fucking thread lmfao, people are finally seeing how much of a scumbag Tyler is.
But Jordan buddy need I remind you that a certain person named Exrobite was demoted multiple times for his behavior off of the server? Why wouldn't a community manager be held to the same standards he holds his staff to?