Staff Member(s) Name:
Nickolas_The GNAR
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?:
1st) Banned me from teamspeak for speaking Japanese for only saying "Watashi Shite imasu nori ga" which effectively means "I am doing it" because he couldn't recognise if I was being racist or not so he banned me for speaking Japanese. I see no point of doing this and is just completely unnecessary for him to punish me for speaking a language I speak with friends.
2nd) After making
This Report Abuse on Harry, I made it so Nick was unable to handle the report abuse as I don't feel he is mature enough and feel that he is extremely biased in these situations and would be unable to handle the report properly. After he found out he wasn't allowed to handle, he joined the spacer which Seargent and I were in and then threatened me with Prop Hunt demotion for not allowing him to handle the appeal.
3rd) I was in teamspeak and poked Nick saying "see you next Tuesday" which effectively means good luck doing
this. Basically meaning good luck doing what ever you're going to do to me, he then proceeded to ask what it meant whereas I told him to look it up, I then restart my computer to find myself TS banned for 10 HOURS for disrespect.
see you next Tuesday can also mean cunt
What Server(s) Was This On?:
My TS3 rapsheet
Ask Seargent about him threatening me
See you next Tuesday