Staff Member(s) Name:
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
Not needed, well known staff member.
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?:
Improper Handling of Sensitive Information.
I had recently handed a recording over to Onion and Tyler of another staff member calling Onion the N-word. While this is damning information on aforementioned staff member, the condition of me handing it over was that it would stay within the lead team and my involvement in the situation would remain unknown. Onion has since used the video I sent him and spread it to many of the communities members, most of which are not staff, in attempt to tarnish the staff members name, and further tarnish mine.
This is an example improper handling of evidence considering that it is against a lead team should have remained within the lead team and not gone anywhere else(just as the videos of Eipus' corruption and harassment), ESPECIALLY TO NON-STAFF MEMBERS considering there was no formal forum report post made for this situation. It is extremely immature, but for some reason not surprising to me that Onion would do this. Since Onion has leaked that recording aforementioned staff member and myself have been subjected to various forms of harassment, and considering some of the people he had sent it to, it is almost like this is what he wanted.
In this situation Onion has not only improperly handled information, but has also been extremely unprofessional in the handling of it due to the fact he most likely has a grudge on the staff member. I hope that the staff team does not take this report lightly considering Onion is a Head Admin, Server Owner, and is running for Community Manager, because a high ranking member of the community he should know well by now how he should conduct himself.
Below is just one instance of Onion sending the video to a Moderator on SSRP, I will retrieve more TS logs from other players who are willing to come forward to add further validity to this report.
What Server(s) Was This On?: